Warmest condolences to Benazir Bhutto's families and the people of Pakistan.
Today, the world has been shaken and shocked by the breaking news of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on Thursday after addressing a large gathering of her supporters at RAWALPINDI, Pakistan. She was the first female prime minister of Pakistan and of any Islamic nation. Benazir died of a gunshot wound to the neck, and the attacker then blew himself up. The bomb attack killed at least 22 others. Bhutto's body was being transported to the family's ancestral graveyard in Gari-Khuda Baksh in Sindh province, where she will be buried later Friday afternoon (28th December 2007).
For more of upclose and personal stories of late Benazir Bhutto , visit:
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2 all muslims out there.....Today is a public holiday for Brunei & i bet most of the family in this country is celebrating it....like ''doa selamat & berkorban"...
This coming Sunday afternoon, MOE will be organizing the same ceremony @ the parking lot of MOE's headquarter and we (my Unit) are asked to attend it...For those who have their leave earlier are unfortunate to join the blessful event....
For those muslims who are in Mecca now performing haj..."Semoga Tiba Ke Negara Brunei Darussalam Dengan Selamat & Semoga Mendapat Haji Yang Mabrur....Amin...."
Hola...! I've just read an article about women with breast cancer in a women magazine that I bought last week. Suddenly it reminded me of what had happened a few years back when I thought that I'm gonna have a breast cancer as I found two small lumps (like 10 & 20 cents coins) had developed under my armpit closed to my left breast. It makes me so worried when the lumps hurt me (especially when I wore bra) & it also makes me felt uncomfortable everytime I laid down with my left side. Therefore, after an advice from my hubby, I underwent few checked up at the general hospital (as an outpatient and then she - the doctor - refered me to the gynae) and they said that it was just a normal pain when my hormones changed during my menses & the lumps will be gone without my notice. So I felt relieved & happy to hear it. The doctor gave me a prescribed medicine (forgot the name) & also she adviced me to take evening primprose oil (EPO) from any pharmacies outlet. I followed her advice & the EPO did work - no lumps found after a year of checked up! Alhamdullilah.. But a few months after that the lumps were back! That time I were so worried, more worried than before as I didn't expect the lumps would appeared again. I continued consume the EPO but they were still there. After about a month suffering the pain ('stubborn me') so I decided to see the same doctor at the gynae & she refered me to the surgical specialist (a male doctor - blushing meh..). After a quite long discussion & a "blushing checked up" (luckily there was a lady nurse who accompanied me throughout the session & to watch out the doctor..hehe..), then he decided to send me to the x-ray department to do an ultrasound. During the ultrasound, unfortunately the doctor couldn't find any lumps around my both breasts & I was amazed..but that time I could still felt the pain. So after another discussions with my male specialist doctor, then they decided to send me to undergo a mamogram scan at the x-ray department during my next appoinment. To make my story short, I underwent a mamogram scan & they did find the lumps with 20 and 50 cents of sizes. And the good news was they were not a breast cancer. Alhamdulillah....I felt so relieved and happy to hear it. They were just a common breast lumps when age turn to thirty (nah kedapatan tia umur ku...hehe..) & they were harmless. The pain would came especially before getting menses & when you consumed hormones medications (in which I did).
BREAST cancer is the commonest cancer in women in most parts of the world. In Brunei alone, as I quote from the RTB news on 29th Jan 2005, the number of women who were diagnosed with Breast Cancer last year was almost doubled the number more than five years ago. This is partly attribute to the subject of breast cancer is still much a taboo or rarely discussed openly among women themselves. More frequently it is something that most women in this country are not aware of. Unfortunately over two third of the cases were discovered rather late due to fear and shame.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) some ten million women were affected with the cancer and out of the number, four million have died. In Asia, younger women are at higher risk.
So for ladies out there (or concern boyfriends / hubbies who care for their love one, plz inform them about these):
A cancerous (malignant) breast lump is often painless, hard and irregularly shaped. It feels different from surrounding breast tissue. If the breast lump is attached to underlying muscle, it may not move when you press on it. Overlying skin on your breast may be dimpled or red.
Other signs include:
* A spontaneous clear or bloody discharge from your nipple * Retraction or indentation of your nipple * A change in the size or contours of your breast * Any flattening or indentation of the skin over your breast * Pitting of the skin over your breast, like the skin of an orange
Treatment depends on the type of cancer, its stage and the appearance of cancer cells under the microscope. Options include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Detecting breast cancer in its earliest possible stage — by having regular mammograms and clinical breast exams — gives you the best chance for successful treatment.
The exact causes of breast cancer are not known. Studies have shown that breast cancer increases with increasing age. Most patients do not have any of the risk factors listed below, apart from the risk of increasing age.
A woman’s chances of getting breast cancer are increased in the following conditions:
# Women who have had breast cancer have an increased risk of getting breast cancer in the other breast.
# Women whose mother, sister or daughter had breast cancer.
# Changes in genes like BRCA1, BRCA2 and others increase the risk. Gene testing in families in which there is breast cancer may sometimes show the presence of genetic changes that increase the risk. In women who have these genetic changes, doctors may suggest ways to try and delay or prevent the development of breast cancer, to improve detection.
# There is evidence to suggest that the longer a woman is exposed to estrogen, the more likely she may develop breast cancer, that is, the risk is somewhat increased in those whose periods began early (before 12 years), had a late menopause (after 55 years) or who took hormone replacement therapy for the long-term (more than 3-5 years).
# Women who have their first child late (after 30 years) have an increased risk than women who have a child at a younger age.
# Women whose breasts were exposed to radiotherapy before 30 years, especially those who had radiotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease, have an increased risk. The younger a woman had radiotherapy, the higher will be her risk of breast cancer in later life.
# Some studies suggest a slightly increased risk in women who consume alcohol; have a diet rich in animal fats; are obese after menopause and who are in the higher socio-economic group.
There maybe no symptoms at the initial stages of the development of breast cancer. As it grows, it can cause changes, which every woman should be aware of:
# thickening or lump in or near the breast or armpit (axilla)
# change in the size, shape or outline of the breast
# dimpling, ridges or pitting (skin appears like that of an orange)
# change in the appearance or feel of the skin of the breast, nipple or areola e.g. warm, swollen, red or scaly
# nipple discharge or tenderness
# nipple pulled back (retracted) into the breast
If there is one or more of the above symptoms, a doctor should be consulted without delay. In most instances, it may not be cancer but it is important that any problems are diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.
Breast self-examination (BSE) should be performed every month. Become familiar with how your breasts usually look and feel so that you may notice any change from what is normal for you.
* If you still menstruate, the best time to do BSE is several days, or about a week, after your period ends. These are the days when your breasts are least likely to be tender or swollen. * If you no longer menstruate, pick a certain day - such as the first day of each month - to remind yourself to do BSE. * If you are taking hormones, talk with your physician about when to do BSE.
Changes to be aware of:
Check with your physician if you find any change in your breast(s) that causes you concern. Changes in your breasts may include:
* development of a lump * a discharge other than breast milk * swelling of the breast * skin irritation or dimpling * nipple abnormalities (such as pain, redness, scaliness, turning inward)
1. Stand in front of a mirror that is large enough for you to see your breasts clearly. Check each breast for anything unusual. Check the skin for puckering, dimpling, or scaliness. Look for a discharge from the nipples.
2. Watching closely in the mirror, clasp your hands behind your head and press your hands forward.
3. Next, press your hands firmly on your hips and bend slightly toward the mirror as you pull your shoulders and elbows forward.
Do steps 2 and 3 to check for any change in the shape or contour of your breasts. As you do these steps, you should feel your chest muscles tighten.
4. Gently squeeze each nipple and look for a discharge.
5. The breasts are best examined while lying down because it spreads the breast tissue evenly over the chest. Lie flat on your back, with one arm over your head and a pillow or folded towel under the shoulder. This position flattens the breast and makes it easier to check.
Use the pads of the fingers of your other hand to check the breast and the surrounding area firmly, carefully, and thoroughly. Some women like to use lotion or powder to help their fingers glide easily over the skin. Feel for any unusual lump or mass under the skin. Feel the tissue by pressing your fingers in small, overlapping areas about the size of a dime. To be sure you cover the whole breast, take your time and follow a definite pattern: lines, circles, or wedges.
Some research suggests that many women do BSE more thoroughly when they use a pattern of up-and-down lines or strips. Other women feel more comfortable with another pattern. The important thing is to cover the whole breast and to pay special attention to the area between the breast and the underarm, including the underarm itself. Check the area above the breast, up to the collarbone, and all the way over to your shoulder.
* Lines: Start in the underarm area and move your fingers downward little by little until they are below the breast. Then move your fingers slightly toward the middle and slowly move back up. Go up and down until you cover the whole area. * Circles: Beginning at the outer edge of your breast, move your fingers slowly around the whole breast in a circle. Move around the breast in smaller and smaller circles, gradually working toward the nipple. Don't forget to check the underarm and upper chest areas, too. * Wedges: Starting at the outer edge of the breast, move your fingers toward the nipple and back to the edge. Check your whole breast, covering one small wedge-shaped section at a time. Be sure to check the underarm area and the upper chest.
The American Cancer Society recommends using three different levels of pressure to examine your breasts:
* light pressure - to examine the tissue closest to the skin * medium pressure - to feel a little deeper * firm pressure - to feel deeper tissue closer to the chest wall
6. Some women repeat step 5 in the shower. Your fingers will glide easily over soapy skin, so you can concentrate on feeling for changes underneath. What do you do if you find a lump?
One of the most frightening moments for a woman is if she feels something different or unusual while performing breast self-examination. One of the most important reasons to perform regular breast self-examination is so that you know what is normal for your breasts. If you find a lump, it is important not to panic.
If you discover a lump in one breast or feel something "different" in the tissue, or you feel a definite lump, there may be valid reason for concern and it is important to contact your physician. Sometimes, the lumpiness may be due to menstrual changes; however, if you have nipple discharge or skin changes such as dimpling or puckering, your physician may want to see you right away.
It is natural to be frightened when discovering a lump, but do not let the prospect of cancer delay you from taking action. Remember that 80 percent of all breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous).
Askm...n hai 2 all....! Its been too long since I last blogged...Sorry for that...been very buzy with work n family...Btw today is my 2nd week of my 2 weeks annual leave..next Monday I'll be back 2 work & hoping I didn't hear any 'wild gossips' anymore like I used 2....BoSan dah mendangar....
Well, 2 tell u what I've been doing during my leave...last week my bro in law, my son & I had been travelling 2 KL (again!) accompanied my hubby who has his managerial course @ JW Marriot for almost a week...We tried to have fun & enjoy our limited time there with shopping, shopping & shopping coz most of the time my hubby was not around until it reached 5+pm....pity him....Alhamdulillah...my little jewel behaved sooo good & sat quitely on his new blue-red stroller although his eyes can't stop looking for balloons or balls...Hmm.....back home (Brunei)...unpacked luggages, eat, sleep, melayan c kecil, menyambung main PS2 game..'Sims2 Castaway" (my old time favourite game)....menyambung meliat ceta (cd 12) Korean movie (Stairways To Heaven), visited my family @ Lambak & shopping for groceries...Dats All...& not to forget this coming Sunday (2nd Dec)...wow December already kah? Cepatnye...attending relative's wedding ceremony @ Lambak...
Stairways To Heaven:
Okey...hope there is a chance for me & family to have a real long holiday / vacation together...Really looking forward to it....Btw here I enclosed some of our photos during our short trip to KL...
My bro in law, my son & I in RBA Airbus flight @ 8.30pm (Tuesday)
My jewel with his bro @ arrival hall of KLIA (waiting for our luggages)
My little jewel with his balloons on the 1st day of shopping spree (sanang hati dapat the yellow one sampai tertidur)
Quick snap with the clowns (dari orang jenis ani tah yang my son dapat belon kuning atu.... payah kami mencari...! Atukan tingginya!)
Lunch time with my big jewel (iatah masanya ia dangani kami makan...thnx honey)
To All Teachers in Brunei Darussalam especially 2 my dearest friends: Masdiana, Jaya, Sarinah & Aniqah of SM SMJA, Hjh Dillah & Acai of AAC, Nora, Lim Lay Ting, Jojo & Rokayah of STPRI & Liana of SM PIHM & 2 those teachers out there who knows me....
Yesss! Cinta Laura Kiehl has just won an award tonight at SCTV AWARDS 2007 through her debut acting (sinetron) in "Cinderella - Apakah Cinta Hanyalah Mimpi?" (everyday @ SCTV channel - 7pm Brunei time).
She's just turn 14th on the 17 th Aug (Indonesia's National Day) but she's really can act! Actually my sis in law & I are the big fan of her...we love her acting..looks very real & natural...& she's cute too...btw...Congrats & Thumbs up Cinta!
It's not easy to identify between genuine and fake perfumes in the market nowadays. Like DVDs, handbags & wrist watches.....they are very popular here with the imitation one...but these do not cause any harm to the individual users...How about fake Perfumes? Makeups?
Fake perfumes...they have EXACTLY the same designers name, almost identical bottle, label, box and very similar fragrance! And they can affect the users...So HOW CAN YOU TELL WHAT is FAKE?
The answer is IT'S NOT THAT EASY... (www.reviews.ebay.com.au/Fake-Perfume-20-Point-Check-List-on-how-to-spot-Fakes)
Counterfeiters of perfume have become masters of their crime with the aid of modern digital imaging and printing techniques. They are capable of producing almost identical replicas of ALL the major leading perfume brands on the market today. As a consumer you may never really know, UNTIL you experience the actual fragrance which may be close to but not exactly as it should. You'll discover that the perfume does NOT last as long, perhaps as little as one hour instead of half a day or longer as is the case with original designer perfume.Counterfeiting is a huge problem globally, with millions of counterfeit goods being produced and sold every year. It is estimated that up to 10% of perfumes and toiletries in the market place are fakes.
HEALTH RISKSCounterfeit perfume does not undergo the usual safety standards that are applied to all cosmetics and toiletries around the world. When cheaper, inferior ingredients are used, these may cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin and could also stain garments.
BEWARE OF OLD STOCK and STALE PERFUMEPerfume does deteriorate. The time period depends on temperature, light and length of storage. Sometimes when stores close down, they SELL OUT their old perfume stock. These typically end up in auctions, and discount shops/web sites at very cheap prices. Don't get caught out.
Always make sure your supplier sells FRESH, not old stock.20 Point Perfume Authenticity Checklist:
1) Confirm Reputable Source of Supply. Verify the delivery has come from a repuatable seller. 2) Cellophane Wrapping. Check for overall quality - look and feel - thickness and clarity. 3) Cellophane Sealing. Check for signs of excessive glue and especially use of any sticky tape. 4) Outer Box. Check for overall quality of material used - thickness – colour- fold marks and edges. 5) Printing. Check for correct information printed on box. Size, Country of Origin, misspellings, logo, and trademarks. Check the style of printing – embossing if applicable. 6) Batch Number – Check for a number. 7) Inner Box. Check overall quality of material used - colour and size. 8) Bottle Shape. Check overall quality - height – width – basic shape and design. 9) Bottle Glass. Check overall quality – thickness - clarity – moulding marks – air bubbles within the glass. 10) Cap. Check size – colour – shape – moulding marks 11) Sprayer Head. Check overall quality – colour - smoothness and ease of operation. 12) Sprayer Inner Tube. Check quality - thickness, length and colour. 13) Main Bottle Label. Check quality of printing – size - positioning and look for embossing if applicable. 14) Bottom Label. Check quality of printing – size – correct information. 15) Bar Code. Check number, size and scanability 16) Fragrance Colour. Check for murkiness, floaties and consistency of colour. 17) Fragrance Oiliness. Check for excessive oily feel. 18) Fragrance Smell. Check for pungent or unusual fragrance notes. 19) Fragrance Lasting Time. Test number of hours. Should last at least 2 to 3 hours+ 20) Skin Reactions. Watch for itchiness, blemishes and rashes.
Have you heard a recipe called "Resepi Ayam Coca-Cola (Chicken Coca-Cola Recipe)? Sound hmm...not yummy but interesting! Actually I never heard of it....but maybe some of you out there had tried this recipe..I found it from a website www.iresepi.com.....Wanna try? Here is the recipe in malay (malas kan translate...hehe) Good Luck..!
* Ayam dipotong ikut suka dan bersihkan. * 3 cm halia * 3 ulas bawang putih * 5 ulas bawang merah * 5 sudu besar cili kisar * Sedikit garam dan serbuk perasa * 1 tin air coca cola
i) Tumbuk halia, bawang putih dan juga bawang merah.
ii) Tumiskan bahan ini dan juga cili kisar hingga garing.
iii) Kemudian, masukkan ayam dan diikuti dengan air coca-cola tadi.
iv) Masak hingga air kering sedikit. Kemudian masukkan garam dan serbuk perasa.
v) Hidangkan bersama dengan nasi.
(For those yang udah mencuba pls comment on it...kalau banar nyaman kan dicuba!)
Everyone loves to travel....whether in short distances or for long distances...whether inbound or outbound countries. For many people, especially Bruneian, travelling means more than just heading to their favourite vacation destination, it means they are going to bring their children and infants with them as well.
Travelling with an infant presents a number of concerns for the other family members, but these tips can help you make this road all the smoother (www.canuckabroad.com/flight-travel-tips)
Pack more than you think you need - When it comes to diapers, formula, and food, always pack more than you need for an infant. This helps prevent you from having to find food in the middle of nowhere, which isn’t always a simple task.
Talk with the paediatrician ahead of time - They might be able to give you suggestions to soothe a weary baby that doesn’t like to fly in planes or ride in cars.
Protect their ears - When travelling in the plane, be sure to have your infant nurse or suck on a bottle after the initial ascent; this will help to regulate the pressure in their ears.
Take breaks often - If you are travelling by car, try to take breaks as often as you can. This will help your infant get some fresh air and be carried around for a bit instead of sitting in their carrier for hours on end.
Check the baby carrier - Be sure that the carrier is securely fastened to your car or that your child is securely fastened into the seat before you carry him/her anywhere.
Try to keep the normal schedule - As much as you can, try to keep the normal schedule of events that they’re used to: feeding time, nap times, etc.
Avoid loud noises - When travelling with your infant, try to keep any excessive noise to a minimum to prevent startling them and causing them to lose sleep.
Have plenty of clothing options - Try to have a number of layers ready for your infant to wear, no matter the weather or the conditions. Infants get cooler and hotter more quickly, so you need to be prepared either way.
Bring baby sunscreen - As an infant’s skin is much more delicate, be sure to have sunscreen available for them to wear at all times.
Bring your own stroller - Since you probably don’t want to carry baby everywhere, bring a stroller or rent a stroller at your final destination. This will help them have a place to sleep and relax.
Travelling with an infant gets easier each time, so use these tips and make up your own along the way .
A simple mummy who loves her two jewels so very much...loves travelling, shopping, reading & spending time with her precious jewels...
A Piscean who is friendly, sensitive, independent & scared of meowww...Hehe...
Scarlet is working with the government since 2002. Still looking forward for her 'only dream'...& hopes for success in family & career.
This personal photo blog is dedicated for my little jewel, Mohammad Asyraf for his future view...Juz wanna let him know that how much Ayah & Ummi love him...
Dearest students and teachers,
A close friend of ours have created the most helpful website to help
Bruneian students through the maze and mire of university applications and
I felt I ne...
Big Pink Taxi
Tomorrow seemed so far away when the consultant told us in the new year
that Ava had to have another eye operation. But it's already upon us.
At work, the w...
Secret Recipe
I have the privilege of attending a training course on Economic Development
in Singapore and today was actually the second day. I must say I’ve been