Thursday, January 31, 2008


On This Day:
History ~ 1971 - Astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., Edgar D. Mitchell and Stuart A. Roosa blasted off aboard Apollo 14 on a mission to the moon.
Birthday ~ 1981 - Justin Timberlake
Brunei ~ Thieves Spoil Family's Umrah Plans

Who is Bunga Citra Lestari?

She is a wellknown Indonesia’s sweetheart - singer and actress. Born on 22nd March 1983. Education (SMP) at Lhokseumawe Namggroe Aceh Darussalam. Her hit song entitle "Sunny" is a soundtrack for her debut movie "Cinta Pertama" (2006). Her latest movie is "Kangen". In her earlier music career, she was invited by PAS Band as their featuring artist. Bunga also acts in 'sinetron' named: ABG ; Senandung Masa Puber ; Kalo Cinta Mengoda; and Penjaga Hati.

Her movie "CINTA PERTAMA" soundtrack:

This song is predicted to be one of Indonesian Smash hits in 2008. Gotta listen to this great song :)) .. This song is taken from Ari Lasso latest album entitled "THE BEST OF" featuring Bunga Citra Lestari :" Aku dan Dirimu"

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


On This Day:
History ~ 1916 - In World War I, Paris was bombed by German zeppelins for the first time.
Birthday ~ 1970 - Heather-Graham
Brunei ~
Brunei Aims To Be Key Destination For Investments

Attending a one week course at Pusat Dakwah Islamiah for the government officers (21st Jan till 26th Jan 08). This was my second course at that centre. Well, overall it was a very interesting and informative course especially if you forgot what had been taught during your time at religious school(s).

Female group taking pics with the facilitators
(4th & 5th standing from the right) at Surau.

Listened for "Tayammum" instructions before doing
it on practical by Ustazah Hjh Zunainah.

Practical of "Tayammun" using cleaned sand.

Others looked on 'penuh serius & konsentrasi'

Cleaning the sand on process....

This...while waiting for the result of group presentations....
The winner...AFIQAH's Group on a topic of "Berwudhu"

Questions were asked by the religious officer
after we visited the exhibition at the centre
(hadiahnya jam dinding with Pusat Dakwah logo)

At the closing ceremony....
hope we met again in the near future!


On This Day:
History ~ 1916 - In World War I, Paris was bombed by German zeppelins for the first time.
Birthday ~ 1954 - Oprah Winfrey
Brunei ~Brunei Aims To Be Key Destination For Investments

SUHARTO aka 'Pak Harto', aka 'Father of Development'. Suharto can also be spelt Soeharto. Born on 8 June 1921 in the village of Kemusu Argamulja in Central Java, Indonesia. Suharto was an Indonesian military leader, and the second President of Indonesia, holding the office from 1967 to 1998. Passed away recently on Sunday, 27th January 2008 (@ 1.10pm) at the age of 86 due to multiple organ failure.

Warmest Condolences to his families and people of Republic of Indonesia.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


On This Day:
History ~ 1955 - The first solar-heated, radiation-cooled house was built by Raymond Bliss in Tucson, AZ.
Birthday ~ 1906 - Aristotle Onassis
Brunei ~
Sultan Visits Ailing Suharto In Hospital

Have you ever receives flower(s) from your partner or beloved ones? Was it a red rose or a white carnation?
Ever wonder what their meanings were?

Well, some people thought that flowers are associate with romance, love. They express their true feeling with flowers. Different flowers have different meanings. Different colors of a flower have different meaning. Before you do a romantic gesture of giving flowers, know the meaning of flowers. The language of flowers ia a unique language. Every sentiment is expressed in one form or another by flowers So don't give the wrong flower to the wrong person.

Symbolic Meaning of Flowers:
Below are symbolic meaning that are asociated with love for several varieties of flowers:

Your love is reciprocated

I love only you

Bouquet of Withered Flowers
Rejected love

(Pink) - Longing for you
(Red) - You're a flame in my heart
(White) - You're adorable

(Pink) - I'll never forget you
(Red) - My heart aches for you
(White) - Innocence, pure love
(Yellow) - You disappointed me
(Striped) - Refusal

(Red) - I love you
(Yellow) - Slighted Love

Resignation & Goodbye
True Love

I love you in secret

Love at first sight

Devotion, Eternal Love

(Purple) - Please forgive me

Desire for affection returned

Affection and Love

Orange Blossom
Eternal Love

I cannot be without you

(Red) - Love, Passion
(Pink) - Happiness
(White) - Purity, Innocence
(Yellow) - Friendship
(White and Red Mixed) - Unity
(Peach) - Desire and excitement

(General) - Perfect lover
(Red) - Declaration of love
(Variegated) - Enchantment,
(Yellow) - Hopeless and perfect love

(Pink) - Lasting affection

For other types of flowers you can check out at the above website stated.

So don't be ashamed to send flowers to tell someone that you love them, that they are a great lover, thet you do no feel the same about them with flowers. And try to tell them the secret meaning of the those flowers.

Good Luck!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Maal Hijrah 1429

On This Day:
History ~ 1878 - In New York, milk was delivered in glass bottles for the first time by Alexander Campbell.

Birthday ~ 1971 - Mary J.Blige
Brunei ~
High Oil Prices Only Breed Complacency

Selamat Menyambut Awal Tahun Hijrah 1429 to everyone!

Semoga Setiap Perkara Yang Dilakukan Diberkati
Semoga Setiap Doa & Hajat Dikabulkan oleh Allah s.w.t



Muharram (محرّم) adalah bulan pertama dalam Sistem Takwim Hijrah (Hijriah). Pada asasnya, Muharram membawa maksud 'diharamkan' atau 'dipantang', iaitu Allah SWT melarang melakukan peperangan atau pertumpahan darah. Namun demikian larangan ini ditamatkan setelah pembukaan Mekah (Al Baqarah: 91).

Sejak pemansuhan itu, umat Islam boleh melaksanakan tugas dan ibadat harian tanpa terikat lagi dengan larangan berkenaan. Rasulullah s.a.w telah menamakan bulan Muharram sebagai bulan Allah (shahrullahi).

Sandaran yang dilakukan oleh Baginda s.a.w kepada Allah s.w.t lantaran kemuliaan dan kelebihan bulan ini kerana sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t tidak merujukkan kepadaNya melainkan oleh golongan khowas (terkhas) di kalangan makhluk - makhlukNya.

Daripada Al-Hassan Al-Basri rahimahumullah; “Sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t telah membuka lembaran tahun baru di dalam takwim Islam dengan bulan Muharram. Tidaklah kedapatan bulan yang lebih mulia dalam takwim Islam di sisi Allah s.w.t itu selepas bulan Ramadhan melainkan bulan Muharram. Ianya dinamakan bulan Allah yang khas disebabkan besarnya kehormatannya.”

Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab menetapkan adalah hari pertama bagi setiap tahun baru Islam (Kalendar Hijriah).

Peristiwa 10 Muharram

10 Muharram - Dinamakan juga Hari Asyura. Pada hari itu banyak terjadi peristiwa penting yang mencerminkan kegemilangan bagi perjuangan yang gigih dan tabah bagi menegakkan keadilah dan kebenaran.

Bertanya para sahabat : "Wahai Rasulullah ! Apakah kelebihan 10 Muharram berbanding dengan hari-hari yang lain ?" Sabdanya :

1. ALLAH menciptakan alam, langit, bintang dan sebagainya
2. ALLAH menciptakan gunung-ganang pada 10 Muharram
3. Diciptakan lautan pada 10 Muharram
4. Diciptakan Qalam (pena untuk menulis amal manusia) pada 10 Muharram
5. Diciptakan Arasy, Luh Mahfuz pada 10 Muharram
6. Diciptakan Nabi Adam a.s. pada 10 Muharram
7. Dimasukkan Nabi Adam a.s. ke dalam syurga pada 10 Muharram
8. Dilahirkan Nabi Ibrahim a.s. pada 10 Muharram
9. Diselamatkan Nabi Ibrahim a.s. dari api Namrud pada 10 Muharram
10. Diselamatkan anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s. dari sembelihan pada 10 Muharram
11. Ditenggelamkan Fir'aun pada 10 Muharram
12. Diampunkan kesilapan Nabi Daud a.s. pada 10 Muharram
13. Dilahirkan Nabi Isa a.s. pada 10 Muharram
14. Dikeluarkan Nabi Yunus a.s. daripada perut ikan Nun setelah berada di dalamnya selama 40 hari 40 malam pada 10 Muharram
15. Disembuhkan penyakit Nabi Ayub a.s. pada 10 Muharram
16. Diangkat Nabi Isa a.s. ke langit pada 10 Muharram
17. Diterima taubat Nabi Adam a.s. pada 10 Muharram
18. Dianugerahkan tahta kerajaan kepada Nabi Sulaiman a.s.
19. Diciptakan Arasy pada 10 Muharram
20. Awal-awal hujan yang turun dari langit pada 10 Muharram
21. Awal-awal rahmat diturunkan pada 10 Muharram
22. Diselamatkan bahtera Nuh a.s. daripada tenggelam sesudah bumi ditenggelamkan selama enam bulan.pada 10 Muharram

Peristiwa lain

1. Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa.
2. Diangkat Nabi Idris a.s. ke langit pada 10 Muharram
3. Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara.
4. Penglihatan Nabi Yaakob yang kabur dipulihkan oleh Allah.
5. Laut Merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa dan pengikutnya dari tentera Firaun.
6. Allah menjadikan 'Arasy.
7. Allah menjadikan alam.
8. Allah menjadikan Malaikat Jibril.,my/

I Love You

On This Day:
History ~ 1
942 - Japan declared war against the Netherlands. The same day, Japanese forces invaded the Dutch East Indies.
Birthday ~ 1980 - Dato Siti Nurhaliza
Brunei ~
Warning On Sea Sand Used For Construction

There are many ways to say “I love you.”
Of course, these feelings can be expressed verbally.
But, they can also be expressed by a look, a touch or a deep sigh! We all say “I love you" at different times and in different ways. So why don't you guyz & galz out there try to express your love to your beloved one in foreign languages.
It's fun but yet still romantic!

# Afrikaans - Ek is lief vir jou!
# Albanian - Te dua!
# Amharic - Afekrishalehou!
# Arabic - Ana behibak (to male) Ana behibek (to female)
# Armenian - Yes kez si'rumem!
# Basque - Maite zaitut!
# Bengal - i Ami tomake bahlobashi!
# Bosnian - Volim te!
# Bulgarian - Obicham te!
# Catalan - T'estimo!
# Creole - Mi aime jou!
# Croatian - Volim te!
# Czech - Miluji tev!
# Danish - Jeg elsker dig!
# Dutch - Ik hou van je!
# English - I love you!
# Esperanto - Mi amas vin!
# Estonian - Mina armastan sind!
# Farsi - Tora dost daram!
# Filipino - Iniibig kita!
# Finnish - (Mä) rakastan sua!
# French - Je t'aime!
# Frisian - Ik hald fan dei!!
# Galician - Querote!
# German - Ich liebe dich!
# Greek - S'ayapo!
# Gujarati - Hoon tane pyar karoochhoon! tane chaahuN chhuN!
# Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia 'oe!
# Hebrew - Anee ohev otach (m to f), Anee ohevet otcha (f to m), Anee ohev otcha (m to m), Anee ohevet otach (f to f)
# Hindi Mai - tumase pyar karata hun (m to f), Mai tumase pyar
karati hun (f to m)
# Hungarian - Szeretlek!
# Icelandic - Eg elska thig!
# Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu!
# Irish - t'a gr'a agam dhuit!
# Italian - Ti amo!
# Japanese - Kimi o ai shiteru!
# Korean - Dangsinul saranghee yo!
# Latin - Te amo!
# Latvian - Es tevi milu!
# Lithuanian - As tave myliu!
# Malaysian - Saya cintamu!
# Mandarin - Wo ai ni!
# Marshallese - Yokwe Yuk!
# Norwegian - Jeg elsker deg!
# Polish - Kocham ciebie!
# Portuguese - Eu te amo!
# Romanian - Te iubesc!
# Russian - Ya tyebya lyublyu!
# Sanskrit - twayi snihyaami
# Serbian - Volim te!
# Sesotho - Kiyahurata!
# Slovak - Lubim ta!
# Slovenian - Ljubim te!
# Spanish - Te amo!
# Swahili - Nakupenda!
# Swedish - Jag älskar dig!
# Tagalog - Mahal kita!
# Thai - Phom rug khun (Male) Chan rug khun (Female)
# Turkish - Seni seviyorum!
# Ukrainian - Ya tebe kokhayu!
# Urdu - Main tumse muhabbat karta hoon!
# Vietnamese - Anh yeu em (m to f), Em yeu an (f to m)
# Welsh - Rwy'n dy garu di!
# Yiddish - Kh'hob dikh lib!
# Zulu - Ngiyakuthanda!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


On This Day:
History ~
1956 - In the Peanuts comic strip, Snoop walked on two legs for the first time.
Birthday ~ 1969 - Marilyn Manson
Brunei ~
Fisherman Lost At Sea Returns Home

We never know what happen in the future...we never expect
what is going to happen in the next seconds, minutes or hours...whether it's going to be a good news or bad news. This happened to me when two hours after the count down of new year 2008, my hubby and I had to rush to the RIPAS emergency coz our little jewel was not in a good condition since that afternoon.

He seems to be suffocated by something in his little throat and we can hear his harsh & rough breathing. So my little jewel was admitted to Ward 1. Pity him. I'm afraid he was attacked by an asthma or something serious. But after the checked up, the doctor said it was a CROUP.
I never heard of it. The doctor tried to explain briefly but still not quite sure 100%. So I checked it from the Internet & found several good websites that explain what CROUP is. For lovely mothers out there, check this websites for further understanding:

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


New year 2008 is coming and everybody will intend to do a lot of things. This year 2007, I also intended to do something and I did but it was not succeed. Well, I'm not giving it up...I'll try it again & again & again...until it really happen. InsyaAllah...Only Allah knows what it is.

To all my beloved families & friends: