Thursday, June 26, 2008

Course @ IPA

On This Day:
History ~ 1858 : China and Britain sign the Treaty of Tianjin, bringing a temporary end to the Second Opium War. Learn more about the Opium Wars.
Birthday ~ 1981Adrianna Costa

Attending a workshop at Institut Perkhidmatan Awam (IPA) from 23rd June till 26th June 2008. The workshop was on "Performance & Management Appraisal Interview" and attended by officers in various ministries.

Group photo with the facilitators Dr. Tembun Ghani and Mr. Ahmad Zaki from Malaysia

During one of the group presentation sessions

Certificates were awarded to the participants on the last day of the workshop:
Alina bte Abang Hj Marzuki

Hj Erwan bin Hj Ahmed

Dk Aaliyah Hannah bte Pg Hj Maslon

Hj Mujib bin Hj Tuah

Norzaitimala bte Mohd Zaidi

Suhaimi bin Hj Laki

Mokti bin Hj Jamaluddin

Me...Scarlet (hehe...blushing..)

Md Abd Hadi bin Hj Syarifuddin

Md Zaini bin Abdullah

Mordiah bte Hj Taib

Mohd Eswady bin Brahim

Suraimah bte Rosli

To all of the participants...
   "It was so nice to meet & work with people like you...Hope we will meet again somewhere...someday..."

Thursday, June 5, 2008


On This Day:
History 1968: On the night he wins the California Democratic presidential primary, Robert F. Kennedy is shot by Sirhan B. Sirhan in Los Angeles. He dies of his wounds the next day. Learn more about Robert F. Kennedy.
BirthdayAdam Smith, philosopher and economist (1723)

Two days after we visited SR DMS Dian Sukang, we hop on the heli again...and this time we invited one of the other head of department in replaced with our HOD who suddenly got sick yesterday (hehe... we assumed he "kekajutan after naik heli").  The students population here are more lesser compared to SR DMS Sukang, i.e. 4 students only! And at that time we were informed by the young male teachers (whose hometown are from BSB) that their school generators were not operated since 3 months ago (they had informed the person / department incharged to send the diesels for the generators to operate but until that time no body has came)....we were shocked to hear it and at the same time pity the teachers and students of that school coz other teachers and students at urban cities or towns in different districts were enjoying the airconditioners / electrical fans.  Well, we hope this case will be solve ASAP!

While waiting for the heli to get ready...

The only four students...

Thinking of his future....

Visited the long house...

  Get-To-Know session with the Head of the long house 

Members of the long house...

Heli (behind us) just landed to fetch us home...

With the pilot...(end of our journey...c u nxt yr!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


On This Day:

History ~ 1944: In the largest seaborne invasion in history, known as D-Day, over 120,000 Allied troops land on the beaches of Normandy in German-occupied northern France. World War II.
Birthday ~
1901 - Sukarno, Indonesia's first president
Brunei ~
RTB City Web Site Launched To Reach More Young Viewers

Annual work visit to Ulu Belait's school via helicopter (Bell). This was my third time visit to that school and first timer for other four new colleagues. SR DMS Dian Sukang is situated in the Ulu Belait and consists of 14 students only including 1 male student of Darjah Pra (the students population are decreased compared to last year).

The first-timer listened to the short briefing on flight safety.

"Barisan Tentera"...hehe

Smiles for the camera (but dalam hati kabak-kabak)

"Scary Smiles"

Wonderful views from above

My 2nd boss with his clerk

The only students of primary six

Visited the head village at the long house
(standing in between my bosses)

My Bosses posed infront of the long house

Group photos while waiting for the heli to pick us up
(which was delayed for 45 mins)

At last the heli arrived & we landed safely
at the meeting point (BSB) around 12.20pm